2016 is about to end as 2017 is about to start. I know you're fed up of hearing this but indeed, it seems like yesterday's just the first month of 2016 and yes time flies frikin fast.
To be honest, I don't know if this is a year-ender post or what because all I could think now is Christmas just happened and 2017 is just days away. It's always between Christmas and New Year where these life realizations take place in me. It's always this time where I look back and murmur to myself "what a year". I just couldn't thank God enough for ALWAYS, ALWAYS, guiding and blessing me with good things and help me get through this year and the years that have gone by and the years to come, and of course, I thank myself— I thank myself for smiling when I am on the verge of crying, for not giving up when things are giving up on me, for still keep on going, in my life full of "di na ko ui!" and most specially for believing in myself when I thought theres nothing to believe in anymore.
How many days more and we are gonna change our calendars as 2017 crawls in. But, aren't you scared or terrified on what will 2017 bring to your life? Because I am. I am always like this, I am always terrified of the things that are about to happen. I just don't like when life catches me unprepared. But that's not the case. Life will always catch you off guard. And no one is ever ready of anything because it's true, it's different when you're already on the situation than you just saying it. And there's no amount of practice that could make you ready of anything. When it hits you, it hits you, sometimes pretty hard.
But nonetheless, we need to welcome 2017 with positive vibes because que sera, sera. :)