Grateful For The Unbearable Days

Lord, thank You for the unbearable days—

Those sleepless nights when I cried myself to sleep, overthought things, created scenarios and problems in my head that weren’t even there yet, and spent too much time worrying about making ends meet—Thank You for calming the chaos in my thoughts and the heaviness in my heart. Thank You for the brand new day that follows each of those terrible nights. It reminds me that it was just a phase and it shall pass. Like the night—just a few hours after it dims, the sun will rise again.

Lord, thank You for the unbearable days—

those unlit days when my chest felt heavy and tight, when I shook with fear, faced rejections, encountered disappointments, and confronted endings. Thank You for saving me from the things I was blinded to. Things could be worse now if not for You.

Lord, thank You for the unbearable days—

those rocky roads, those times when I had to keep myself from tripping, when I almost lost focus on where I should go, and when I felt I couldn’t continue. Thank You for every stumble. I know it is You guiding me away from paths that would hurt me, saving my hard-headed self once again.

Lord, thank You for the unbearable days—

those days when I was shattered, when I fought with myself, when it felt like it was all over, when I blamed myself, and when I allowed others to hurt me, leading to my brokenness. Thank You for those moments when I felt helpless because You made me realize that the only help I need to seek is You.

Lord, thank You for the unbearable days—

those days of facing rejection, feeling ashamed, believing I wasn’t good enough, and wanting to scream. Thank You for the rejections, as they made me realize that “no” isn’t about turning me down, but rather You redirecting me to Your “yes.”

Lord, thank You for the unbearable days—

those days of confusion, feeling stuck, losing interest, and being torn between choices. Thank You for those times when I had to close my eyes because I didn’t know what to do. You made me realize that during my confusion, You are working in me, molding me into the person You want me to be.

Lord, thank You for the honesty in every unbearable day You put me through. Thank You for the lessons behind the scars, the assurance behind my tears, the redirection behind my confusion, and the “yes” behind my “no.”

Lord, thank You—

Thank You for making the unbearable bearable. 🤍

