It's already 1:56 am and I am finally down to my last item on my to-do list and that is to publish a post.
Sunday has always been the slowest paced day for me. No traffic, less people on the streets, not so loud surroundings and most people are not rushing. For me, it's the perfect day to dine or lunch out after hearing the mass or to go shopping.I stayed in the entire Saturday and was out half of Sunday. But before my Sunday started, I (again) had a hard time choosing what to wear. The common struggle of girls (well usually girls) when going out is to decide what should they wear. I am so indecisive when it comes to what clothes should I wear but for the past few days, I noticed that offshoulders have been my wardrobe staple, I constantly wear them anywhere like when going to work, just hanging out with friends, on formal events or even when I am just at home. It has been my go-to top recently because why not? It's vesatile; it's simple, classy, laid back and let's admit it, it's sexy. ;)
It's still 6 a.m but my alarm is making noise already, it just means 1 thing— I have to get up. Last Sunday, I went home and attended my brother's retreat since my mother wont be there so my presence was needed. Stuff like this— waking up early on a Sunday, this is VERY unusual. But nonetheless, I prepared and made my way to my brother's retreat place. It's a hot sunny morning, my mind was still sleeping, no coffee, no anything to jump start my day. I had to sit somewhere dimmed since Mr. Sunshine is glowing at its finest. Once settled, I just waited until my senses came to their places.
I've been to this retreat house before. I had my retreat here too. It is very nostalgic to be here again, to see those high school students doing what we did before, but nostalgia is not my thing. I hate being nostalgic on things, it makes me sad. So, I shook it off roamed around the place and realized, nothing has changed. Indeed, change really changes on its own pace. Because this place is still the exact same place I had my retreat years ago, it did not change over 3 years (??). And that sort of made me smile. With all the things that are happening and changing so fast before my eyes and to myself, I found something that has not changed yet. :)
Now, I stopped somewhere near the pool for a shade. And wait, I just thought.. "Rj, take a picture of me here.". :)
Just last Thursday something’s got into me and I indecisively cut my bangs. Then I realized when was the last time I cut my bangs? Hmm. Every time I have my hair cut I NEVER EVER have them cut my bangs, I want to do it myself so when things go wrong I do not have to blame anyone but myself. Haha!
Anyway.. Thank God it’s Friday!!! Some of us might just started their party or still on their way, some might already at the peak of their catching up with their friends or some might having a good time reading their favorite or newly purchased book at their home, wherever you are right now, congrats guys! You can go ahead and morning the night because tomorrow you do not have to worry about your schedules or dragging yourself out of bed because tomorrow is weekend!!! :) It’s been a so-so week, not busy nor boring but yes, it’s tiring. It’s tiring because aside from doing my job as an IT Analyst, as part of the RnR team, we spent the last few days brainstorming for our Christmas Party, it is exhausting, but I enjoyed! I sometimes wish, if only I could just be an event organizer in a company. Hehe! :) But c’mon let’s not dwell on how our weekdays were, because what's important, we survived Monday to Friday and we can now have our own kind of RnR. Weee! :)
Talk about coincidnce! As I am ranting about weekend here I just realized, my sweatshirt tells my kind of weekend. Hehe! Well, just crash out party since it's been ages since I last partied. Hehe!
Shout out to my colleague Ryan Dabon for taking pictures of me just after our shifts. ♥
Have you ever been a potato? Of course yes! I feel so tired and don't want to get up at all and just ditch any responsibilities for even just a day. But if I opt to be a potato I might regret it afterwards, so I don't have a choice but to drag myself out from my magnetic bed and start doing what I have to do.
It's a lazy day and all I wanna do is sleep but chores are waiting for me so I have to start doing them now or else I might end up sleeping very late again.
So my day started from a struggle of jumping out of bed to meeting some friends who are having their vacation here in Cebu and helped them buy some delicacies that they could bring as a pasalubong, since they are heading back tomorrow.
So this is just a post about being a potato, ootd, and congratulating myself for getting up and not succumbing to the call of my bed. Hehe!
Bring me back to THAT day—Sunday. Sunday means staying in. This means we have more time to muse over things and let life flash moments or memories before our eyes. But because I work late, I usually rest during weekends since I am off on those days. So sometimes all I do on a Sunday is sleep, and those life realizations didn't take place, not even on my dreams. But.. not today— today was packed of realizations, wishes, frustrations that I opt not to give a fuss on my day to day life, because I thought they're better off to be on that box wrapped and sealed but again not until today. Today that box unwrapped and unsealed itself, making me to go ahead and pour it out on this blog.
I remember when I was still a kid and used to wish a lot, some of them came true and some of them get invisible as time goes by. Not because I can't make them come true now, some I can but some are meant to be granted by/with other people. But.. we just cannot please people. They have their own lives, own understanding, own will that never crossed mine. There are just really things that are out of our control, and unfortunately some of my wishes are out of my control. It's sort of sad to be honest, but hey! I still believe that things happen for a reason. Because if It is God's will, it will. So I'd rather seal those wishes in a box; stop dwelling on them and continue to my day to day life. Who knows one day, before all we know, my wishes already came true.
I am fond of eating after shift, because I tend to crave for some good foods or sweets within my shift. What a timing, it has to be within work. Lol. My colleagues and I love to go to Sugbo Mercado, in IT Park. Or, we love to eat ramen in Naruto in Panagdait.
But recently, here's this Mexican restaurant called Shaka in IT Park, that I have been bragging about to my boyfriend and assured him that he'll surely love it and he promised me that we are going to eat there soon. Little did I know, that soon is after my shift last Thursday. :) I was so excited when he asked me "Shaka ta?" Oh wait, that was a rhetorical question by the way. Haha.
Where is your next eat out? :)